Each AI (00) barcode consist 14 digits (13 data digits and 1 checksum digit).
In the box below, enter the codes without AI (01), separated by a comma or any code on a new line.
If you are enter less than 13 digits, sufficient number digit 0 is added to complete the code (13 digits).
You can enter barcodes without checksum digit, generator can calculate itself (14 digit).
All characters outside the allowed range will be ignored.
The generator can create from 1 to 50 barcodes at once.
GTIN - Global Trade Item Number is used for unambiguous labeling of products.
Care of it exercised GS1 organization, which is the successor of EAN and UUC (European Article Numbering and Uniform Code Council).
GTIN number can have 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits, depending on their length can be encoded in the following manner:
• 8 digits - GTIN-8 it is encoded as EAN-8,
• 12 digits - GTIN-12 it is encoded as UPC-A,
• 13 digits - GTIN-13 it is encoded as EAN-13,
• 14 digits - GTIN-14 it is encoded as EAN-14 or ITF-14.
GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13 can be „converted” to GTIN-14, by adding the at front right amount of digits 0 (to obtain a total of 14 digits):
• to „convert” code GTIN-8 23456785 to EAN-14 (UCC-14) you must add the at front 6 digits „0” => 00000023456785
• to „convert” code GTIN-12 123456789012 to EAN-14 (UCC-14) you must add the at front 2 digits „0” => 00123456789012
• to „convert” code GTIN-13 1234567890128 to EAN-14 (UCC-14) you must add the at front 1 digit „0” => 01234567890128
To obtain valid unique GTIN number please contact with your local GS1 organization.