EAN-13 / JAN-13 barcode may have additional digits (2 or 5 digits).
In the box below, enter the codes separated by a comma or any code on a new line.
You can enter barcodes without checksum digit, generator can calculate itself.
If you are enter less than 12 digits, sufficient number digit 0 is added to complete the code (12 digits).
All characters outside the allowed range will be ignored.
To generate EAN-13 / JAN-13 barcode with additional digits specify it as such:
• 123456789012:12
• 123456789012:12345
The generator can create from 1 to 50 barcodes at once.
For more information about EAN-13 / JAN-13 barcodes please visit Wikipedia site.
Based on the prefix of the code it is possible to identify country of origin, or area of the application e.g.
See the list of areas of applying EAN-13 / JAN-13 bar codes.
To obtain valid unique EAN-13 number please contact with your local GS1 organization.