The code may consist of several blocks. Each block consists of the Application Identifier and Data block.
In current version generator can merge blocks into one code (option „Merge into one code”).
Generator detect Application Identifier and check Data block:
length, allowed characters and checksum.
Please enter ONE PAIR (Application Identifier and Data block) per line.
To encode production date, enter code in form: (11)YYMMDD or 11YYMMDD, where:
11 - Application Identifier - production date,
YY - the tens and units of the year (e.g. 2025 = 25), which is mandatory
MM - the number of the month (e.g. January = 01), which is mandatory,
DD - the number of the day of the relevant month (e.g. second day = 02); if it not necessary to specify the day, the field must be filled with two zeros.
Example: to encode today (2025-03-25) as production date, you must enter (11)250325 or 11250325.
To encode country of origin of trade item with date and time of production you must enter TWO PAIRS Application Identifier and Data block
• (422)CCC
and check option „Merge into one code”
• 422 - Application Identifier (country of origin of trade item),
• CCC - country code (ISO 3166),
• 8008 - Application Identifier (date + time of production),
• YY - the tens and units of the year (e.g. 2025 = 25), which is mandatory
• MM - the number of the month (e.g. January = 01), which is mandatory,
• DD - the number of the day of the relevant month (e.g. second day = 02), which is mandatory,
• HH - hour (00 - 23), which is mandatory
• II - minute (00 - 59); if it not necessary to specify the minute, the field must be filled with two zeros.
• SS - seconds (00 - 59); if it not necessary to specify the seconds, the field must be filled with two zeros.
[x] Merge into one code
Note: AI and EPS file format only available for bar codes, which consist only characters:
For more information about EAN-128 barcodes please visit site GS1 - The global language of business and Wikipedia.