RSS Expanded is a variable length linear symbology capable
of encoding up to 74 numeric or 41 alphabetic characters:
• digits 0 - 9,
• uppercase letters A - Z,
• lowercase letters A - Z
• special characters !, ", %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, _, space
• special GS1 character FNC1.
In the box below, enter the codes, each code on a new line.
All characters outside the allowed range will be ignored.
The generator can create from 1 to 50 barcodes at once.
For more information about DataBar Expanded (RSS Expanded) barcodes please visit Wikipedia site.
To encode: (15)991231(3103)001750(10)12A(422)123(21)123456(423)0123456789012
You must replace ( and ) with [ and ].
Please enter: [15]991231[3103]001750[10]12A[422]123[21]123456[423]0123456789012